In the evening hours of December 18th, 2021, Gloria J. Slade passed away.
While she was never paid for doing security work, she nevertheless had an impact on the field. Rob Slade never would have written any of his books had it not been for her support. (Some say this might have been a good thing.) Certainly the books would have been even worse without her. At the time of the publication of “Robert Slade’s Guide to Computer Viruses,” due to reading the manuscript seven times over, she was the fifth leading computer virus expert in Canada. In addition, she made contributions to his researches into stylistic forensics. She is remembered as the definer of the second definition of “encryption” in “The Dictionary of Information Security.” And, finally, she allowed him to pursue his ill-paid passion for information security, rather than demanding that he get into some better remunerated area.
Gloria addressed questions such as those of identity and authentication, wondering whether the cremated remains of your loved one which you received from the funeral parlor were actually the remains of your loved one. Unfortunately, her personal investigation into this question, while definitive, is unlikely to result in any publication.
Gloria leaves behind her husband of thirty-four years, Robert M. Slade, who is spending his time writing up obituaries which he thinks might be in some way amusing, but that others know only show the poor taste of a sleep-deprived and emotionally overwrought individual. No, really, he's fine, it's just that he keeps bursting into tears, roughly every forty-five minutes, for no reason which is readily apparent to anyone else. If you should, for some reason, have any wish to follow along as he tries to find a reason to carry on, he is either messing with, or pottering about in